(‘最も読まれた論文’) Similarities and differences in leisure conceptualizations between Japan and Canada and between two Japanese leisure-like terms
公開日 2018年01月25日
国際観光学研究センター(CTR)研究員である伊藤 央二講師(本学観光学部)とGordon J. Walker本学特別主幹教授(University of Alberta)との共著論文がツーリズムの学術誌「Leisure/Loisir」に掲載され、2011年の出版社ウェブサイト開設以来最も読まれた論文の第1位に選ばれています。
Similarities and differences in leisure conceptualizations between Japan and Canada and between two Japanese leisure-like terms
Eiji Ito, Faculty of Tourism, Wakayama University, Wakayama City, Japan(現在)
Gordon J. Walker, Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Leisure/Loisir, Volume 38, 2014, Issue.1, pp. 1-19
DOI: 10.1080/14927713.2014.880613
収録誌詳細: https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/19700188161?origin=sbrowse
This study investigated similarities and differences in leisure conceptualizations between Japan and Canada and between two Japanese leisure-like terms: yoka and rejā. To address these purposes, we developed the Leisure Ten Statements Test (LTST). The LTST asks people to provide 10 open-ended responses to a prompt (e.g., “Leisure _____”). Responses from university students in Japan and Canada were classified, and then statistical analyses were conducted on the proportions of the 26 resulting categories. Results indicated that: (1) leisure conceptualizations differed not only between Japan and Canada but also within Japan depending on terminologies; (2) the loanword rejā has different meanings from its original English word, leisure, suggesting that it has adapted Japanese cultural contexts; and (3) the Japanese leisure-like term that best compares with the English word leisure varies depending on which specific aspect of leisure is of interest.
culture; conceptualization; leisure; leisure-like terms; Japan