7/23(月)14時50分~開催!CTR Tourism & Culture, Heritage Unit Seminar「Elephant and Tourism Development in Chiang Mai, Thailand」
公開日 2018年07月19日
国際観光学研究センター(CTR)では、CTR Tourism & Culture, Heritage Unit Seminar「Elephant and Tourism Development in Chiang Mai, Thailand」を開催いたします。
また、先生が編者をつとめるAsian Journal of Tourism Researchの概要についても解説いただきますので、国際誌への論文投稿を目指している方々もぜひご参加ください。
CTR Tourism & Culture, Heritage Unit Seminar
「Elephant and Tourism Development in Chiang Mai, Thailand」
This study focuses on the influence of the visit of the Siamese monarch on the evolution of the elephant’s role in Chiang Mai. Although elephants were known as carriers for long-distance travel in the past, they were used primarily in the logging industry in Chiang Mai during the colonial period. The visit of King Prajadhipok and the Queen to Chiang Mai in 1926 can be viewed as the starting point in turning elephants into a part of the development of the tourism industry in the city, when the troop of elephants first appeared in Chiang Mai to accompany the King and Queen from the rail station to the inner city. After that the elephant came to be known as the image of Chiang Mai by visitors from outside. This resulted in an increasing demand for wood carvings of elephant figures as souvenirs of Chiang Mai. Later the elephant was adopted as the official symbol of Chiang Mai province. With regard to tourism development in Chiang Mai, the elephant camp was then established as the centre for elephant shows and activities for tourists in Chiang Mai. Among tourism marketing and promotion, more elephant camps were established, then new patterns of elephant shows and activities have been created to entertain tourists who are the major customers of the elephant camps. Besides tourism development and economic benefits, theoretical concepts of place branding, representation, symbolic consumption and tourism, and political-economic change are discussed as factors in the evolution of elephant roles in Chiang Mai. The changing role of elephants in Chiang Mai reflects the political and economic transformation of the city.
和歌山大学 国際観光学研究センター会議室 [西1号館 107会議室]
(〒640-8510 和歌山市栄谷930)
Associate Professor Ploysri Porananond
(Director, Center for Asian Tourism Research, Chiang Mai University, Thailand/Editor-in-Chief, Asian Journal of Tourism Research)
和歌山大学 国際観光学研究センター 担当:加藤 久美
TEL 073-457-7025
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