11/5(金)15時00分~開催!公開セミナー「Overcoming negative disaster images: How Fukushima’s sake breweries rebuilt its regional brand」
公開日 2021年10月25日
和歌山大学国際観光学研究センター(CTR)地域(Community)ユニットは、公開セミナー「Overcoming negative disaster images: How Fukushima’s sake breweries rebuilt its regional brand.」を開催いたします。
東北大学特任准教授、防災科学技術研究所特別研究員であるヌイン デビッド氏をお迎えし、東日本大震災後の影響による福島県産の製品に対するネガティブイメージを、地元酒造メーカーが中心となって如何に克服したのか、地域振興や福島県が直面している経済?観光危機からの復興についてデイビット氏の研究論文をもとにお話しいただきます。
Overcoming negative disaster images: How Fukushima’s sake breweries rebuilt its regional brand
Fukushima Prefecture, located in northern Japan, is renowned for its hot springs, lakes, historical architecture, gastronomy, and particularly its sake (or Japanese rice wine). However, pre-existing problems such as the prefecture’s changing demographics and economic development, the effects of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake (GEJE) and fears of radioactive contamination have made consumers reluctant to consume products from the region or to visit the prefecture.This study illustrates how various sake brewery stakeholders have sought to reverse and alter negative images associated with the prefecture. Results indicate that through a combination of collaboration between the breweries, local government and the local communities, the sake breweries were able to reverse many of the negative effects of the 2011 GEJE. The success of the sake industry has prompted the local government to focus more strongly on tourism marketing that places sake products and breweries at the center of its campaign to promote the region. This research contributes to the field of image restoration, which combines theories regarding destination marketing and crisis management.It also highlights the importance of collective stakeholder mobilization when attempting to help communities that are facing economic and tourism crises.
This presentation is based on the published article:
Nguyen, D.N., Kumakura, M., Kudo, S., Esteban, M. and Onuki, M. (2021), "Overcoming negative disaster images: how Fukushima’s sake breweries challenged negative stereotypes and rebuilt its regional brand", Journal of Tourism Futures, https://doi.org/10.1108/JTF-11-2020-0197
CTR会議室[和歌山大学 西1号館1階]/Zoom(オンライン)
Dr. David N. Nguyen (東北大学 特任准教授/国立研究開発法人防災科学技術研究所 研究員)
David holds a Ph.D in Civil Engineering from Tohoku University, a master’s degree in Geography from the University of Hawaii, and also completed the University of Hawaii’s Department of Urban and Regional Planning’s Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance Program. As an academic, he has published numerous articles in the areas of tourism, disaster management, and transportation.
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