【日程変更】1/25(水)17時00分~開催!CTR workshop series Session 3「Digital Tools to improve Research: Managing information, synthesizing literature, and writing academic papers」
公開日 2023年01月10日
最終となる第3回は「Digital Tools to improve Research: Managing information, synthesizing literature, and writing academic papers」と題し、Husna Zainal Abidin特任講師が、研究や執筆の過程で使用できる実用的なオープンアクセスのデジタルツールに関する話題提供いたします。
CTR workshop series for students and young researchers
Session 3「Digital Tools to improve Research: Managing information, synthesizing literature, and writing academic papers」
The aim of this webinar is to share information on practical, open access digital tools that can be used by postgraduate students and early career researchers (ECRs) in their research and writing process. Specifically, in helping researchers to organize and synthesize information for their literature review, and support in generating ideas for the research writing process. Postgraduate students and ECRs tend to face many challenges in organizing and synthesizing the extensive information that they have read upon. They may not know where to start and how to manage the information, data and ideas that they have. An extensive number of digital tools exist, but may only cause researchers to feel overwhelmed and confused in identifying which digital tools are most helpful in their current early stage of research. Therefore, this webinar will explain the benefits of using digital tools in research and provide examples that will help postgraduate students and ECRs to be aware of easy to use, easy to learn, practical and open access digital tools for their literature review and final research writing. Two tools that will be briefly discussed will be Obsidian and Zotero alongside an introduction to the ‘zettelkasten’ method for knowledge management. At the end of the session, participants will have the awareness and confidence to trial run the open access tools in their own research process and have a better understanding on how to structure the information and data they have.
2023年 1月25日(水)17時00分~18時00分(日本時間)
Husna Zainal Abidin(和歌山大学 国際観光学研究センター 特任講師)
Husna Zainal Abidin is a lecturer at the Center for Tourism Research, Wakayama University Japan. She is an early career researcher who graduated her PhD from the University of Surrey, United Kingdom. She is actively integrating digital tools to help with knowledge management, avoid repetition and effectively save time. From Excel, Grammarly, Tableau, Quillbot, NVivo to GoogleDoc, she’s tried a variety of the digital tools for her research so you don’t have to. Some worked and some didn’t. Husna will share her experience on how best to effectively use digital tools in your research process.
モデレーター:Joseph M. Cheer(和歌山大学 国際観光学研究センター 特任教授)
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