6/10(月)16時30分~開催!CTR workshop series 2024 Session 2「Examining Tourist’s Behaviour Using Statistical Analysis Techniques」
公開日 2024年05月23日
第2回は「Examining Tourist’s Behaviour Using Statistical Analysis Techniques」と題し、CTR教員であるモハメド?エルバルバリ講師が登壇し、観光客の消費パターンや嗜好、地域コミュニティとの相互作用に関する洞察を導き出す方法として、SPSSやWarpPLSなどのソフトウェアを用いた観光客の行動データの統計分析手法について紹介します。
CTR workshop series for students and young researchers 2024
Session 2 「Examining Tourist’s Behaviour Using Statistical Analysis Techniques」
Tourism is a crucial part of economies worldwide, but creating sustainable destinations requires a deep understanding of tourist behaviour and their interactions with local communities. Recent studies have shown that statistical analysis techniques are an effective way to gain comprehensive insights into tourist behaviour. This workshop is designed to equip researchers and tourism professionals with advanced statistical analysis techniques using popular software like SPSS and WarpPLS. Attendees will learn to analyse tourist behaviour data and draw meaningful insights, such as tourists' spending patterns, preferences, and interactions with local communities. Armed with these insights, participants will be better equipped to create sustainable tourism destinations that benefit both tourists and local communities. Don't miss the chance to gain valuable insights into tourist behaviour and learn how to use statistical analysis techniques to develop sustainable tourism destinations.
[オンライン] Zoom Meeting
[対面] 和歌山大学 西1号館1階 107室(CTR会議室)*キャンパスマップ
モハメド?エルバルバリ(和歌山大学国際観光学研究センター 講師)
Mohamed Elbarbary (Mido) is a new lecturer at CTR. He received a Master’s degree in Tourism Guidance from Fayoum University in Egypt, where he worked as an assistant lecturer until 2019. Then, he received a PhD in World Cultural Heritage Studies from the university in Tsukuba, where he worked as a post-doctoral researcher until 2023. Mohamed’s research interests include tourism studies, Cultural Heritage Studies, Human Geography, and Linguistic Landscape. He published several papers in international peer-reviewed journals as a leading and co-author, including two papers on evaluating the tourists and local people’s attitudes and behaviour using advanced statistical techniques.
モデレーター:山北 隆太郎(和歌山大学国際観光学研究センター 助教)
[オンライン] 登録フォーム ※定員100名
[会場参加] 登録フォーム ※定員15名
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