7/10(水)16時30分~開催!CTR workshop series 2024 Session 3
公開日 2024年06月10日
最終回は「Understanding Epistemology: A Guide to Justifying Research Methods and Ensuring Valid Knowledge」と題し、CTR教員である山北 隆太郎助教が登壇し、特定の研究方法を選択するにあたり、科学哲学の一分野である認識論への理解がいかに重要であるかを説明します。また、認識論に関連する様々な哲学的立場の違いがどのように研究の示唆に影響を与えるのかについて解説します。
CTR workshop series for students and young researchers 2024
Session 3 「Understanding Epistemology: A Guide to Justifying Research Methods and Ensuring Valid Knowledge」
Given that research is “a systematic process of discovery and advancement of human knowledge” (Gratton & Jones, 2010, p. 4), we should address the question of what knowledge is and how we discover and advance it (i.e., how we know what we claim to know). Epistemology, a branch of the philosophy of science, provides assumptions about knowledge and its development (Crotty, 1998). Generally, epistemology is divided into objectivism, constructionism (or constructivism), and subjectivism, based on the relationship between the subject (i.e., the researcher) and the object (i.e., the phenomenon of interest). Each position provides coherence and validity to the entire research process, including methodology, data collection and analysis, and implications (Crotty, 1998). Underestimating the importance of epistemology can lead to a lack of justification for chosen research methods, incorrect implications, and communication barriers between quantitative and qualitative researchers. In this workshop, therefore, I will provide an overview of epistemology and related philosophical positions and review previous papers published in major journals. By doing so, I will illustrate the path to achieving valid knowledge discovery and advancement through empirical research.
[オンライン] Zoom Meeting
[対面] 和歌山大学 西1号館1階 107室(CTR会議室)*キャンパスマップ
山北 隆太郎(和歌山大学国際観光学研究センター 助教)
Ryutaro Yamakita is a new assistant professor at CTR. He obtained his Ph.D. in Sport Management from the School of Human Kinetics at the University of Ottawa, Canada, in 2024. His research interests include event management, organization theory, and qualitative research methods. He is currently researching organizational change and the sustainability of recurring events, such as marathons. Dr. Yamakita has been involved in both domestic and international collaborative research projects, some of which have been published in peer-reviewed journals and book chapters.
モデレーター:モハメド?エルバルバリ(和歌山大学国際観光学研究センター 講師)
[オンライン] 登録フォーム ※定員100名
[会場参加] 登録フォーム ※定員15名
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