公開日 2017年01月23日
12月14日 和歌山大学の瀧学長、呉理事を表敬訪問しました。
12月15日 共同研究会を開催しました。その日の晩には呉理事をお迎えし、学部歓迎会を開催しました。
12月16日 金澤孝彰先生の授業科目「ワールド?エコノミー」において、張乃麗先生が中国と西アジアを結ぶ新シルクロード構想に関する講演をされ、和歌山大学経済学部の藤木剛康先生、高田公先生との質疑応答を通して、教育活動にも関わっていただきました。
From December 13 to 17, 2016 Wakayama University welcomed five faculty members from Shandon University School of Economics: Prof. Li Changying, Dean of the School of Economics, Prof. ZHANG Naili, Prof. SUN Shuqin, Prof. WANG Zhewei, Prof. MA Chicheng.
On December 14, they made a courtesy visit to the President of Wakayama University, Prof Taki and to the Director in charge of Research and International Cooperation, Prof. Wu.
On December 15, they took part in the joint international workshop organized at the Faculty of Economics, Wakayama University, on “Sustainability & Globalization “.
The workshop was followed in the evening by a welcome party held in a typical Japanese restaurant.
On December 16, Prof ZHANG Naili gave a lecture on “World Economy” to students of Prof. Kanazawa, Wakayama University. Among the audience were Prof Fujiki and Prof Takada who exchanged a few questions and answers with Prof ZHANG Naili.
Wakayama University, especially the Faculty of Economics, is grateful to the five professors from Shandon University for their cooperation. We look forward to the next meeting that will take part in Shandon University in 2017.
Visit to President Taki by
professors from the School of
Economics, Shandong
共同研究会集合写真 (Participants
in the international workshop on
Sustainability and Globalization)
学部歓迎会(Welcome party)